ADUNPACK.ZIP 54,257 06-30-96 Quake: - The Adequate Unpacker by SoftSquidInteractive This is a utility for unpackingthe large pak files that Quake uses to storeits data in, like levels sounds and monsters.
FLOODDEM.ZIP 55,741 07-14-96 Quake: - 2 PLAYER DEMO - Put it in your id1directory, go into the console and typeplaydemo flood1 you must have FLOODTEL forthis to play. (- TGM-UtiL v0.660 -)
FONTI.ZIP 6,655 07-23-96 Quake: - Fonti (don't ask...) A small Quakedeathmatch level from scratch.
GRAV1.ZIP 2,136 07-13-96 Eric's Quake Gravity Script v1.0 Change thegravity in the level made easy! Up to 1600gravity and to low as 25 - O - More gravity -P - less gravity - INS-Highest Gravity -HOME-Normal gravity - PGUP- Lowest gravity To
MDLV13.ZIP 153,522 07-14-96 MedDLe v1.3 by brian martin MedDLe is a QUAKEMDL file editor/viewer. The MDL files holdall 3D object texture and animationinformation. (- TGM-UtiL v0.660 -)
MODEMQ.ZIP 1,368 07-14-96 How to play Modem Quake (without stuff ups)(- TGM-UtiL v0.660 -)
NEWDEMOS.ZIP 136,344 07-13-96 Quake: - three new demos /-\ 3 new demos toreplace the somewhat crap ones come withQuake. All on Nightmare and all kill theplayer! Boo haa ha! \-/
NICEKEYS.ZIP 1,612 07-13-96 Quake: - Here are some usefull bindings,alias's and macros
OBST051.ZIP 88,079 07-14-96 Quake: - solve E1M7
PAK2WAD.ZIP 20,660 06-30-96 Quake: - PAK2WAD - Converts all textureswithin a PACK to a WAD2 written by BrianCurnow,
PAKIEV04.ZIP 53,922 07-14-96 Quake: - Pakie v0.04 (PAK Import/Export byHerschel Giansiracusa) Pakie is a .PAK fileeditor. (- TGM-UtiL v0.660 -)
QBIGBOSS.ZIP 94,162 07-14-96 Quake: - Quake Big Fat Ugly Boss Destroyed!!
QBRGEN1.ZIP 8,970 07-14-96 Quake Brush Generator 1.00 By Niklata( - Here it is - thefirst Quake editing tool (- TGM-UtiL v0.660 -)
QBSP_NT.ZIP 202,010 07-11-96 Quake: - QBSP Utilities compiled for WindowsNT.
QBSP_P.ZIP 130,180 07-11-96 Quake: - QBSP Utilities compiled for Pentium
QBSP_PRO.ZIP 130,202 07-11-96 Quake: - QBSP Utilities compiled for PentiumPro
QCC15.ZIP 65,498 08-24-96 Quake Control Center v1.5 (Quake Front End)The Quake Control Center is a FANTASTICwarp-based front end for the 3D action gameQuake from id Software. It allows you toselect many, many options not directly
supported by Quake, and it does so using anintuitive, mouse-driven interface. Forinstance, you can warp to any level in thegame with any
QCHUNKS.ZIP 4,611 07-14-96 Quake: - QChunks level My first attempt at aquake level. Yes I am too lazy to use morethan 5 textures. ID Software, for QuakeDalias, for making Tele-X, which I used tofigure out how to do this. Carmack for
releasing the BSP stuff.
QCONN_99.ZIP 28,070 07-06-96 Quake: - Qconnect .99 (c) Copyright SeanAllen and Enigma Software Qconnect is aWindows 95/NT character based program thatlists active Quake servers and lets youquickly connect to them. I wrote the program
after becoming tired of scramblin to writedown an IP address and losing it among the1000 others or so I've already written down,starting Quake, typing the IP address only tofind the server full. After
QCONV10.ZIP 15,764 07-15-96 [ PsY<h0 ] QUAKE CONVERTER 1.0 GM CoNvErtS DaQuAke R MDL FiLeS IntO ThE 3D-StudIo-AsCIi nFoRmAt !!
QCURSORS.ZIP 6,838 07-11-96 Quake: - Yet another set of animated QuakeCursors for Win95 by Jeff Buckland
QD091.ZIP 53,171 06-30-96 Quake: - Modem FAQ and QD! QuakeDialer/Termial! version 0.91
QEDE.ZIP 8,006 06-30-96 Quake Editor Demon Edition. Qede is a simpleQuake Hacker, it hacks your save games andallows you to have God Mode, Full ammo, Allthe weapons etc..
QGRAPH.ZIP 409,893 06-30-96 Quake: - some pictures
QIN6.ZIP 429,130 07-14-96 How to beat quake in under 6 minutes I beatquake in under 6 minutes (excluding e1m4,which for some reason wont record in quake).These demos were played on the easy skilllevel, and secrets were purposly skipped,
just to show you how to complete each level.Have fun. (- TGM-UtiL v0.660 -)
QKEPPP20.ZIP 426,406 06-30-96 Quake: - QUAKEPPP v2.0 Running QUAKE NETWORKGAMES over a PPP Connection
QMAPFMT.ZIP 2,499 07-14-96 Quake: - This is a quick-and-dirtyindenter/formatter for Quake .map files.You'll need a C compiler and lex or flex tocompile this. Copy, redistribute and alterfreely. No warranty. (- TGM-UtiL v0.660 -)
QSPY.ZIP 14,246 07-14-96 Quake Spy 1.0 - find server This program wasborn out of a desire to quickly find aplayable Quake server. (- TGM-UtiL v0.660 -)
QSTAT1_3.ZIP 33,413 07-05-96 Quake: - qstat - Get statistics from Quakeservers
QSW101_1.ZIP 1434,575 07-12-96 QUAKE v1.01 - Shareware - id Software Inc. Ifyou don't know what QUAKE is, ask someone whoowns a computer. If you do know what QUAKEis, why are you reading this? Go play the
game, for crying out loud! Supports multipleplayers via modem or network, in eithercooperative or deathmatch (yeah!) mode.Requires a floating point processor. QUAKE:the finest 3-D action game in history. Part 1of 7
QSW101_2.ZIP 1434,118 07-12-96 QUAKE v1.01 - Shareware - id Software Inc. Ifyou don't know what QUAKE is, ask someone whoowns a computer. If you do know what QUAKEis, why are you reading this? Go play the
game, for crying out loud! Supports multipleplayers via modem or network, in eithercooperative or deathmatch (yeah!) mode.Requires a floating point processor. QUAKE:the finest 3-D action game in history. Part 2of 7
QSW101_3.ZIP 1430,151 07-12-96 QUAKE v1.01 - Shareware - id Software Inc. Ifyou don't know what QUAKE is, ask someone whoowns a computer. If you do know what QUAKEis, why are you reading this? Go play the
game, for crying out loud! Supports multipleplayers via modem or network, in eithercooperative or deathmatch (yeah!) mode.Requires a floating point processor. QUAKE:the finest 3-D action game in history. Part 3of 7
QSW101_4.ZIP 1428,802 07-12-96 QUAKE v1.01 - Shareware - id Software Inc. Ifyou don't know what QUAKE is, ask someone whoowns a computer. If you do know what QUAKEis, why are you reading this? Go play the
game, for crying out loud! Supports multipleplayers via modem or network, in eithercooperative or deathmatch (yeah!) mode.Requires a floating point processor. QUAKE:the finest 3-D action game in history. Part 4of 7
QSW101_5.ZIP 1429,787 07-12-96 QUAKE v1.01 - Shareware - id Software Inc. Ifyou don't know what QUAKE is, ask someone whoowns a computer. If you do know what QUAKEis, why are you reading this? Go play the
game, for crying out loud! Supports multipleplayers via modem or network, in eithercooperative or deathmatch (yeah!) mode.Requires a floating point processor. QUAKE:the finest 3-D action game in history. Part 5of 7
QSW101_6.ZIP 1429,266 07-12-96 QUAKE v1.01 - Shareware - id Software Inc. Ifyou don't know what QUAKE is, ask someone whoowns a computer. If you do know what QUAKEis, why are you reading this? Go play the
game, for crying out loud! Supports multipleplayers via modem or network, in eithercooperative or deathmatch (yeah!) mode.Requires a floating point processor. QUAKE:the finest 3-D action game in history. Part 6of 7
QSW101_7.ZIP 402,924 07-12-96 QUAKE v1.01 - Shareware - id Software Inc. Ifyou don't know what QUAKE is, ask someone whoowns a computer. If you do know what QUAKEis, why are you reading this? Go play the
game, for crying out loud! Supports multipleplayers via modem or network, in eithercooperative or deathmatch (yeah!) mode.Requires a floating point processor. QUAKE:the finest 3-D action game in history. Part 7of 7
QU091_CH.ZIP 1,327 06-26-96 Quake: SW 0.91 cheats
QUAKE3.TXT 1,117 07-20-96 More Quake Codes
QUAKE92P.ZIP 406,987 06-25-96 Patch shareware QUAKE from .91 to .92
QUAKECUR.ZIP 2,275 07-06-96 Quake: - A 256 CoLoRZ CURSoR 4 QUAKE MADE BYsh4d. PLEEZE EMAiL ME iF U THiNK iT'S CooL
QUAKEDD1.ZIP 448,782 07-14-96 QUAkE DEMOS - ACTION PACKED 1/2 QUAkE DEMOS -ACTION PACKED Created by Matt SeabrookQUAKED1.* - DEMOS 4 - 6 QUAKED2.* - DEMOS 7 -9 * NOTES Just a few demos that I recorded
QUAKEEXP.ZIP 2522,765 07-13-96 Quake Server Explorer The Ultimate InternetQuake Launcher! This is the Quake ServerExplorer. It's funct include: . * Getting onthe internet and downloadin . most currentserver list available. . . Usedwith permission of ][ronman. . * Checking theserver to see if it is up . * Launching Quakefor Deathmatch play.
QUAKEFAQ.ZIP 21,144 06-28-96 Quake - FAQ v0.5 The Unofficial Quake FAQRevision 0.5 06/26/96 The first MAJORrevision... getting close to 1.0 Written byNicolas Bougaieff a.k.a. Demerzel
QUAKEM22.ZIP 292,246 07-14-96 Quake: - Animation Viewer and Texture editorfor MDL files v2.2, compatible with QTest,Quake SW 0.91/0.92 Windows 95, Windows NT3.51 and Windows NT 4. (- TGM-UtiL v0.660 -)
QUAKEX11.ZIP 22,155 07-06-96 QUAKEX 1.1 editor id Software's Quake .PAKfile extractor/viewe QUAKEX can list contentsand extract files from the .PAK archives ofQUAKE, the last game from id Software, inc.It works on the shareware version, although
it may work in th registered version.Freeware. Source code in C included.
QUAKE_T.ZIP 238,238 06-28-96 Quake - Linux Testversion 1a
QUAKE_T1.ZIP 1162,777 07-14-96 Quake theme for win 95 with sound and iconsby Andylad (- TGM-UtiL v0.660 -)
QUAKE_TH.ZIP 1019,142 06-30-96 Quake: - Windows 95-Plus Theme
QUDPROXY.ZIP 3,998 07-14-96 This is a Quake UDP server proxy, based onthe ipx->udp proxy that was floating around.It works on Linux 2.0.0, Solaris 2.5, SunOS4.1.3_U1 and probably any other recent UNIX.(- TGM-UtiL v0.660 -)
QVIEW010.ZIP 12,685 06-30-96 Mr. Skibone's QuakeView v0.10 Views some ofthe graphics in the Quake shareware v0.91 PAKfile. Admire the artwork - Have a blast!Programmed by DJ SKI
TELEXB.ZIP 70,548 07-14-96 Quake: - Tele-X! A fun Quake sw deathmatchlevel from scratch. Based on a great DOOMdeathmatch level, Telecross. And IMO, it'svery close. Enjoy! (- TGM-UtiL v0.660 -)
WAD2TOOL.ZIP 21,123 07-14-96 Quake: - Wad2Tool Beta v0.8 Copyright (C)Richard Felker Wad2Tool is a program designedto manipulate files, which contain thetextures for Quake MAP leve This version isonly a beta, so it is missing a fe features,
but it is usable. I will include source withthe real version.
WANFU.ZIP 103,765 07-14-96 Quake: - Wan-Fu Player Texture for Quake (-TGM-UtiL v0.660 -)
XPAK040.ZIP 29,885 07-14-96 Quake: - # XPak v0.4.0; 96/07/01. (c) TomWheeley; <splitbung> XPAK is a Quake PAK filemodification /extraction/creation tool. Itcomprises: List Lists contents of the .PAKfile direc Extract Extracts specified lumps
to the direc tree Add Adds/Updates a lump toa PAK file Remove Removes a lump from a PAKfile Rename Rename lump in PAK file
ZSCOPE.ZIP 2,766 07-14-96 Quake: - new script called qscope.scr .set zoom to max * [ set zoom to minset zoom closer * ; set zoom farthermouse2 or s use zoom * center_shot centersyour shot * normal_shot sets shot to norm